
We are a 社区 of educators and learners who support and encourage each other. 同时, 我们作为个体表演者互相挑战, 乐团成员, and servants of liturgical songs — striving daily to live the university’s Benedictine values. 追求美与艺术, we explore the depths of our understanding and experience of music in our practice, 排练, 和表演.



椅子 of Music Department, Director of Choral Activities, Professor of Music

本笃会好客的价值观, 尊重他人, 社区, 祈祷, 适度, 服务是我作为合唱指挥经历的核心. 作为音乐系的系主任, 我每天都尽我所能树立这些价值观, and I remind students and faculty of the importance of living them intentionally, 充分意识到仆人式领导的天赋, 排练, 工作室, 和奖学金. The joy of exploring music with my students is a journey I savor each day in Concert Choir and Vocal Jazz 排练, 在音乐理论中, 进行, 还有圣乐课.




MG冰球突破试玩, 我教所有领域的打击乐,包括应用课程, 叩诊方法, 打击乐合奏, 还有钢带. 另外, I'm fortunate to teach a number of other courses including Orchestration and Arranging, 音乐技术, 音乐专业人士, 和即兴演奏.



MG冰球突破试玩, I teach Elementary Music Methods and work as the course director for Mary’s Orff-Schulwerk course. 我也在曼丹的林肯堡小学教初级音乐. I finished my Kodály certification in 2012 and my Orff-Schulwerk certification in 2016. I hold bachelor degrees in vocal music 教育 and audio production from Minnesota State University, 学习. In addition, I received a Master of Arts in Music Education from the University of Iowa in 2011. 我的热情来自学生. I want to give my students the best start to their careers in music 教育.


附属音乐学院, 俾斯麦-曼丹交响乐团音乐总监, 贝米吉交响乐团音乐总监

我是一名专业指挥, 教堂风琴演奏者/音乐家, and educator; I am grateful to be able to combine these passions into a career. 我来自德克萨斯州,现在已经在中西部生活了大约15年. 除了指挥和教学, I am the organist and member of Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Bismarck and teach organ for the Bismarck Diocese. I'm an avid runner and triathlete and a volunteer dog walker at Central Dakota Humane Society.



我是缅因州人, 与进行, 教育, 以及缅因州南部和密歇根州西部的表演学位. My wife Rhonda (piano instructor at Mary and privately) and I have three wonderful children, 罗宾, 埃文, 和简. 我很幸运能教高级黄铜课, 行为类, 还有一些学术课程, 以及指挥和领导MG冰球突破试玩乐队项目. 专业, I've enjoyed performing as principal trumpet for the MVCO and BMSO and serving as conductor for these and many other ensembles. 在工作之余,我喜欢徒步旅行 & 摄影.



我在MG冰球突破试玩教授应用钢琴课程和音乐理论. I've had the pleasure of presenting guest masterclasses and coaching chamber music at universities and music 节日 across the United States. Teaching students of all levels, from beginners to professionals, has been a rewarding journey. 我很自豪地说,我的学生取得了显著的成功, winning international competitions and securing spots in prestigious colleges and graduate programs. 我一直努力激励我的学生珍惜他们对音乐的热情, 从他们的艺术中寻找乐趣, 引导他们实现音乐目标.



我是一名表演者和老师. I try hard to maintain a healthy balance between those two roles because I believe that excellence in one truly can inform and enhance the other. 作为一名弦乐演奏者, I get excited about beautiful performance spaces like Mary's Chapels and Heskett Hall. I collaborate with students in applied lessons, studio classes, and string methods classes. A significant part of my collaboration with colleagues occurs off-campus through my work as concertmaster of the Bismarck-Mandan Symphony Orchestra.



我是一名钢琴家、管风琴手、羽管键琴演奏家和教师. 目前, I serve on the adjunct piano faculty at Mary teaching applied lessons and developing a student-focused piano pedagogy and literature curriculum. 我教授私人课程的方法是全面和多方面的, 我在那里指导学生的学位独奏会, 钢琴的熟练程度, and coach their collaborative experiences with vocal and instrumental music. The piano students participate in a studio class designed to engage their listening skills and teach their peers. We also work on communication and interpersonal skills so that all students develop into well-rounded musicians and persons ready to serve their communities.

Brian Lydeen, DMA


MG冰球突破试玩, 我教萨克斯管应用课程, 单簧管, 和长笛, 以及在这些领域的指导小组. I remain active as a performer and enjoy working with students of all levels and abilities. 除了木管乐器的研究, 我也是MG冰球突破试玩爵士研究课程的主管, 包括指挥爵士乐团和组合, 爵士即兴演奏教学, 协调我们一年一度的UMary爵士音乐节.

Melissa McCann, DMA


作为一名声乐教师, I have presented guest masterclasses and coached ensembles at universities and high schools across the United States. I have taught private lessons for over a decade to students from beginner to professional levels. Student successes include solo performances with the Gulf Coast Messiah Chorus in Gulfport, MS和以色列SFY爱乐乐团. My students have also won leading roles with the Perry-Mansfield 表演艺术 School and the Kraine Theatre off-Broadway.



你好! 我是一位来自俾斯麦的专业双簧管演奏家和教育家. 我擅长演奏双簧管,双簧管是我的主要乐器. 我是俾斯麦-曼丹交响乐团的首席双簧管演奏家, 密苏里山谷室内乐团, 俾斯麦-曼丹管乐团, 和双操作. I have a busy and active studio with students who continually place competitively in honor bands, 节日, 和竞赛. 我喜欢在圣灵大教堂志愿奉献我的音乐天赋, 在教堂唱诗班演唱和演奏双簧管.



MG冰球突破试玩, I teach applied low brass and direct the “Blue Crew” Pep Band. It is a pleasure to serve the students of the University of Mary through hands-on experience in the classroom and meaningful performances on the stage.

Rebecca Raber, DMA

Conductor of Cappella, 音乐助理教授, Fellow in Catholic Studies

I am an experienced and energetic educator who has a deep passion for choral music and developing musical and expressive gifts within my students. I seek beauty and truth within the music I experience with my singers (and listeners) and strive to reveal these sacred elements through my work. 真诚地说, 我有一种激情, personal vision for the role that music and the "creation of art on a daily basis" have in the lives of students, 我完全臣服于它. It is essential that, in our world, singers can recognize, experience, and create beauty within it. The choral art is best celebrated by musicians knowing that they are part of something bigger than themselves. That's the kind of experience I want to share with my students and our whole 社区.