
2023 Alumni Awards graphic with the Mary Seal

BISMARCK, ND - 2023届校友表彰奖获得者已在MG冰球突破试玩公布. 这些校友将于周五回家参加MG冰球突破试玩一年一度的校友表彰和名人堂入会庆祝活动, October 27, 5:30 p.m.在Lumen Vitae大学中心(LVUC)创始人大厅举行. 

校长詹姆斯·谢伊(James Shea)表示,他和MG冰球突破试玩感谢校友对社区和社会的影响,因为他们继续成为MG冰球突破试玩在校学生的榜样. 

“我们热烈欢迎那些以‘生命之光’向我们致敬的校友, by their selfless everyday actions and honorable deeds,” added Shea. “你们给了我们希望和喜悦,因为MG冰球突破试玩打算通过改变生命为世界带来光明, as our students continue to demonstrate that they too, were made for more. Saint Gianna Beretta Molla once said, ‘Love and sacrifice are closely linked, like the sun and the light. 我们不能不受苦就去爱,我们也不能不受苦就不去爱.’ Each alum represents that spirit, 这是MG冰球突破试玩和我们的先驱创始人的使命, the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery.” 

The University of Mary Presidential Leadership Award: 此奖项是颁给作为地区服务型领袖而取得杰出成就的个别校友, nationally, or internationally.

斯蒂芬妮·奥尔森-阿尔兹伍德(Stephanie Olson-Alzyood)于2008年首次来到MG冰球突破试玩攻读教育学学位. 她一生都想成为一名教师,但上帝另有安排. Ambivalent about her major, she spoke with a member of our social work faculty, and from that point forward, she knew what God was calling her to do. 她于2012年以优异成绩毕业,获得社会工作理学学士学位,并在俾斯麦的查尔斯霍尔青年服务中心开始了她的职业生涯. 

在接下来的三年里,斯蒂芬妮在Pride公司工作. 担任多种职务,包括行为分析师和项目协调员. At a certain point in time, one of her mentors from her undergraduate years, Sue Chaussee, 说服斯蒂芬妮攻读硕士学位是她的使命. 斯蒂芬妮在2017年软化了态度,搬到了纽约市,在哥伦比亚大学攻读社会工作硕士学位. 

从那以后,她和丈夫莱斯一直住在纽约市. Today, 她在纽约市教育局幼儿教育处工作, 为五个行政区的年轻学习者提供免费的学习机会, top-quality, full-day care and educational services.

哥伦比亚大学社会工作学院校友会成员, the National Association of Social Work, and the United Federation of Teachers, 斯蒂芬妮觉得她的旅程回到了原点——她来到MG冰球突破试玩学习教育, shifted paths, and then found herself supporting students, parents, educators, and administrators as a social worker. In her free time, 她喜欢和莱斯一起在大城市的街道上闲逛, picnic with her friends in the park, and put as many miles as she can on her bike. 

The University of Mary Bell Banner Award:表彰大学赞助者的理想, the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, “贝尔旗奖”表彰那些树立尊重价值观的校友, hospitality, moderation, service, community, and prayer.

科林·库德纳在迪金森长大,2007年来到俾斯麦,在我们这里获得本科学位. 他于2009年获得运动科学学士学位, he entered our Physical Therapy program, completing his doctorate in 2012. He took his first job at Optimum Therapies in EauClaire, Wisconsin, 他在哪里遇到了他的职业导师和现在的商业伙伴. 

Five years later, in 2017, 科林和他的家人回到了他的家乡,并开设了北达科他州最佳疗法, Inc.这是一家位于俾斯麦的独立理疗诊所. 他和他的同事们提供各种各样的基本服务, from post-surgery care to chronic pain treatment, and they do so with the whole person in view. 他们的核心目标是促进身体、情感、社会和精神的终身幸福. 

At Optimum Therapies, Colin and his team reflect often on their “why,是什么激励他们早上从床上爬起来去上班. 科林把他自己的“为什么”这样说:提高我们地区医疗保健的质量,因为他的朋友和家人——这些类别包括每一个走进他诊所大门的人——应该得到最好的. 

A member of the Catholic Medical Association, the American Physical Therapy Association, and the Knights of Columbus, 科林经常来学校做客座讲座,并参观我们的物理治疗学生. He and his wife, Brittany, 我们家庭护士执业项目的新协调员, live in Bismarck and have four children together. 

MG冰球突破试玩·哈罗德·谢弗大学校友领导奖: 该奖项旨在表彰在其专业领域取得卓越成就的毕业生,同时体现MG冰球突破试玩所珍视的价值观.

我们中的一些人直到长大成人才明白上帝要我们做什么. Not Ryan Capouch. 他在12岁失明后找到了自己的使命. After a week at MeritCare hospital in Fargo, an hour from his home in Portland, North Dakota, he could see again, 他知道他想为别人做他的医生为他做的事情. 

六年后,也就是2010年,瑞安来到MG冰球突破试玩学习生物学,辅修化学和神学. He wanted to become an optometrist. During his undergraduate years, he played and sang in several music ensembles, served as Student Body President for two years, and won the 2014 Outstanding Senior Award. He graduated with honors in 2014 and, soon after, 他前往南方,在亚利桑那视光学院完成他的专业学习. After earning his doctorate, 他在法戈定居,在百老汇之眼工作了两年, 和一位在他初中时帮助他迅速康复的医生一起为病人服务, Dr. Michael Rexine. 

Ryan于2018年创立了Lumen Vision,旨在带来高品质, affordable, 为他在南法戈的邻居提供以人为本的眼科护理, particularly children. 从那以后,他和他的同事们点亮了成百上千的病人及其家属的生活, and they show no signs of slackening. 

天主教医学协会会员,视光师学院视力发展研究员, Ryan lives with his wife, Maggie, and their son, Benedict, in south Fargo.