COVID Can’t Stop University of Mary’s Continued Tradition to March for Life

Students behind the Mary banner at the March for Life


学生反堕胎支持者和所有年龄段的人都被邀请参加周五在北达科他州议会大厦举行的全州范围的生命游行活动, January 29, 2021.

BISMARCK, ND MG冰球突破试玩在支持华盛顿一年一度的“生命大游行”方面有着悠久的历史, D.C. This year, for the first time in its history, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, “生命游行”正在邀请MG冰球突破试玩和全国各地数百万其他学生和团体以虚拟方式加入这项事业, Friday, January 29, 2021. According to the March for Life, its 2021 theme, “Together Strong: Life Unites,激励了整整一代人团结起来,捍卫最弱势群体的生命, little ones hidden in the womb.

“一年一度的集会将在网上举行,我们要求所有参与者呆在家里,通过网上的方式参加‘生命游行’。,” said Jeanne Mancini, president for the March for Life in a letter to attendees. “我们将邀请一小群来自全国各地的反堕胎领袖在华盛顿游行, DC, this year. These leaders will represent pro-life Americans everywhere who, each in their own unique ways, 努力使堕胎成为不可想象的事情,并建立一种重视和保护每个人生命的文化.”

Typically, the private Catholic university in Bismarck, ND, takes the 3,000-mile roundtrip bus trek with a contingent of over 200 students. The initial plan for this year, out of safety concerns due to the pandemic, was to fly a smaller group of 30 students and staff to DC. But the plan has changed once more, this time to a small march that can only be viewed online by the masses.

Students at the ND March for Life

Providentially, 大流行的限制措施在北达科他州创造了更强大的反堕胎公众存在, thanks to the University of Mary and other statewide organizations. MG冰球突破试玩和其他团体联合起来在北达科他州议会大厦组织了一场和平的北达科他州生命游行. The marchers will be required to socially distance and wear masks. 那些无法参加的人可以通过访问你的天主教广播电台在真实存在电台上收听直播.com or downloading the app. 活动开始于上午11点在圣神大教堂由主教卡根主持的公众弥撒.m. on Jan. 29. After Mass, 团体被邀请游行(或开车)到州首府门前的台阶,在下午12:30聚集.m. 活动的特别之处包括邀请演讲嘉宾,并为自美国强制堕胎合法化以来失去的近6200万人默哀.S.

参加北达科他州游行的是MG冰球突破试玩学生会副主席Triston Kosek, a senior and Buffalo, Minnesota, 主修商业传播和政治,辅修天主教研究. 科塞克认为,这是全州人民一起和平游行的机会, non-violently and show unity in support for the unborn.

“Taking a stance to preserve life is foundational, 而我们大学的坚定和不动摇是一种祝福和伟大的见证,” added Kosek. “MG冰球突破试玩在培养认识挑战并以美德面对挑战的人方面是不可思议的. 这所大学的核心是非凡的,选择继续参加生命游行是对这些核心价值观的证明.”

For Kosek, and his classmates Justine Boone, John Brule, and Ben Helget, 这将是他们自2018-2019学年在MG冰球突破试玩大一相遇以来第三年一起参加全国生命游行. Instead of attending the national March for Life, 他们四人将在俾斯麦的州议会大厦与成千上万的北达科他州人一起捍卫未出生的胎儿和生命的尊严. 赫尔吉特是明尼苏达州克利尔沃特人,他本打算第五次来华盛顿参加这次活动. 他的经历可以追溯到高中时代,当时他作为数百名学生,亲眼目睹了MG冰球突破试玩对生命神圣性的忠诚, and their President Monsignor James Shea, led the 2017-2018 March for Life.

Students at the ND March for Life holding signs

“那年我的朋友在MG冰球突破试玩读书,我遇到了他和其他在D区领导“生命游行”的学生.C.,” said Helget.  我记得看到他们大量的学生都戴着传统的标志性的无边帽. 就在那时,我决定以学生的身份来到MG冰球突破试玩,并知道我想参加游行. When I initially came to the University of Mary, we four quickly developed a close friendship and it has remained so ever since. 我们分享了我们的信仰信念和对堕胎的担忧——这就是我们一起参加游行的动力. That being said, there is something very redemptive in the bus ride. 在整个旅程中,每辆巴士都花时间一起祈祷,分享彼此的经历. So that part of this year’s journey will be different and sadly missed.”

北达科他州游行的组织者之一是MG冰球突破试玩教育部助理主任Ed Konieczka.

“COVID has not stopped Planned Parenthood from performing abortions, so we are determined that it won’t stop us from protesting abortions. 此外,自1960年以来,每年都有勇敢而坚定的人参加“为生命游行” Roe V. Wade decision. And we are gaining ground with the young people of this country. It is imperative that we continue to engage our young people in this issue.”

2016年的“生命游行”展示了MG冰球突破试玩对保护母亲子宫内每一个未出生婴儿和每个人尊严的真正承诺. That year, on their way back from the March, 两辆满载学生和谢伊的巴士在宾夕法尼亚收费公路上遭遇了暴风雪,他们前面的一辆半拖车抛锚了,导致数百辆汽车被困, including the University of Mary pilgrims, to be stranded on the highway for 24 hours. 几次念珠,弥撒,游戏和歌曲之后,他们能够继续他们的长途跋涉回家. 2017年,MG冰球突破试玩领导了生命游行,有600多名自豪的参与者. That year, “为生命游行”主席珍妮·曼奇尼还邀请MG冰球突破试玩的高年级学生卡特里娜·高卢与副总统迈克·彭斯和其他政要一起担任演讲嘉宾. Following a powerful speech and later upon graduation, 曼奇尼找到了高卢,在“生命游行”组织中谋得一个职位——今天,她继续为未出生胎儿的尊严和神圣而战,同时履行着MG冰球突破试玩的使命 for life.